Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "It doesn't comeout with a double-click, Dear" | @Swiggy @BigBasket to get into MilkBusiness
Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "What a statue!Why was it made?" " In the 21st century, this great man reduced theprice of Petrol by one paisa"
Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "Rupee is low,Prices are high, Jobs are scarce and yet you are so happy!!!" " Rolereversal. Now we are in the opposition"
Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: Dear Google andFacebook, Pls show me irrelevant ads. That way I may buy less items and savesome money. Thanks. #GDPR
Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: Government mulling a'windfall tax' on all oil producers | "I am waiting for the day when thegovernment puts a tax on its income through taxes"
Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: Anti-Sterlite protests
Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: Petrol Price Hikes andChasing Dogs
Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: Here's our man to fixthe banking mess
Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: Instead of calling iti+1, i+2, i+3 and so on, why don't you name it i++ for once
Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "It's usually bulls orbears but in case of close finishes, we too get a chance"
Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: Karnataka election resultsimpact
Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "We want betterroads" "We want better citizens"
Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "We cannot top your last salary but we can add evangelist to your job title"
Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: Museum of Modern Art in Stock Trading
Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: " So we all agree in principle that the world revolves around this conference room"
Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "This is the latest in power-dressing"
Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "Last Theorem ofWeb Surfing: If you randomly click through the web links for sufficiently largeno. of times, then you will always end up at a webpage telling you either toreduce belly fat or to grow hair on bald head"
Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "We areinterconnected in an unprecedented way"
Cartoon of the Day by Chandan Kumar: "Yes. Theconfidence is less. I can say that with 50% confidence" "Don't Worry. We'll report that with200% confidence"