Sales of the hospital & healthcare industry which had declined by a sharp 28.8% y-o-y in the June 2020 quarter fell by a slower 8.1% and 1.4% in the September 2020 quarter and the December 2020 quarter, respectively, showing sequential improvement.
This momentum was also seen at the profit margin level. The industry profit margin which was negative 7.9% in the June 2020 quarter improved to positive 4.4% in the September 2020 quarter and further expanded to 7.4% in the December 2020 quarter.
Improvement in ARPOB (Average Revenue Per Occupied Bed) level was seen on a y-o-y basis as well. The ARPOB per day for top 5 players which had declined by 4.2% to in Q1FY21 fell by a slower 0.8% in Q2FY21 and increased by 2.4% in Q3FY21.
The average occupancy rate of top players had declined sequentially by 10.5% to 53% in Q4FY20 which further deteriorated by 37.1% to 34% in Q1FY21 due to Covid-19 induced lockdown restrictions.
The Average Length of Stay (ALOS) which was in the range of 3.6-3.7 days during FY20 increased to 3.9 days, 4.6 days and 4.5 days in Q1FY21, Q2FY21 and Q3FY21, respectively. Shivani Sharma, Mohsin Shaikh