One cannot deny the fact that stress is part of our daily lives. While one cannot control the anxiety and stress in life, one can manage how to respond to the daily stress and anxiety. That's why it's essential to have effective stress relievers that can calm your mind and body. Wipro Chairman Rishad Premji, who has a busy schedule, shared his list of stress busters on Twitter.
Premji, who was the first to term the practice of moonlighting as ‘cheating’, said his list of stress busters has sleep, exercise, massages, spending time with loved ones, mindless TV watching, and others. He wrote, "My stress busters in no order 1) sleep 2) exercise 3) massages 4) time with people I love and who matter 5) mindless TV 6) not taking myself too seriously".
After Premji shared his stress buster mantra, many netizens responded on Twitter that they had similar routine to manage stress.
One Twitter user said “Regular gym with strength training, sleep, Netflix series long ones, Rhonda Byrne book few pages before I sleep (sic) and shopping."
Another user wrote that Premji’s last point of not taking himself seriously is an important lesson. He wrote: “I can relate to your last point, saw you today at Pune Airport in boarding Q & traveling in economy like any common passenger. Sometimes few gestures are lessons for life.”
Another user said that the best way to destress is to take oneself less seriously.
Effect of stress on body
Stress can negatively impact one’s health. Chronic stress can lead to physical symptoms, such as gastrointestinal issues, and can also have mental symptoms, such as depression and brain fog. Many studies have stated that common stress signs include hypertension, high blood pressure, anxiety, headaches, increased breathing rate, insomnia, and so on.
Experts have noted that working on mindfulness and getting some exercise can help manage daily stress and anxiety. If a person remains active, it can keep the mind and body healthy, thus helping you to fight stress before it becomes unmanageable and overpowering.