IRCTC train booking starts today: How to book ticket, refund rule, full list of 200 trains
IRCTC train booking starts today: How to book ticket, refund rule, full list of 200 trains
Only online e-ticketing will be done through IRCTC website or mobile
App; no tickets will be booked across reservation counter on railway
station; booking of tickets through IRCTC agents and railway agents not permitted
Booking for 200 special trains starts today, May 21, at 10 AM.
New Delhi,
May 21, 2020,
Updated May 21, 2020, 11:21 AM IST
After around two months of halt on normal passenger train operations, the Ministry of Railways has decided to resume train services from June 1. Initially, the service will start with 200 passenger trains (100 pairs). Booking starts today, May 21, at 10 AM. The train service is in addition to the existing Shramik Special trains being run since May 1 and Special AC trains (30 trains) being run since May 12. Other regular Passenger services, including all mail or express, passenger and suburban services will remain cancelled as yet. These will be fully reserved trains having both AC and Non AC classes. General (GS) coaches will also have reserved seat for sitting. For general (GS) coaches, being reserved, second seating (2S) fare will be charged, says the ministry.
Only online e-ticketing will be done through IRCTC website or mobile App. No tickets will be booked across reservation counter on railway station.
Booking of tickets through IRCTC agents and railway agents not permitted.
Advance reservation period will be maximum 30 days.
RAC and waiting list will be generated as per extant rules, however, waiting list ticket holders will not be permitted to board the train.
No unreserved tickets will be issued and no tickets will be issued onboard.
No tatkal and premium tatkal booking will be permitted.
First chart will be prepared at least four hours before departure and second chart two hours before departure.
Passengers will be compulsorily screened and only asymptomatic ones will be allowed to enter/board.
All passengers must wear face covers/masks at the entry and during travel.
The passengers must reach station at-least 90 minutes in advance to facilitate thermal screening.
Passengers must observe social distancing both at station and trains.
All quotas will be permitted in these special trains as has been permitted in regular trains. Limited reservation counters will be operated for this purpose. However, normal ticket booking can't be done.
Cancellation and refund rule
If during screening a passenger has very high temperature/symptoms of Covid-19 etc., he or she will not be allowed to travel despite having confirmed tickets. In such case, full refund will be provided to passenger.
On a party ticket if one passenger is found unfit to travel and also all other passengers on the same PNR do not want to travel in that case full refund will be granted for all passengers.
On a party ticket if one passenger is found unfit to travel, however other passengers on the PNR want to travel, in that case full refund of fare will be granted to passenger who was not allowed to travel.
Food and blankets
IRCTC will only make provision for limited eatables and packaged drinking water on payment basis.
Passengers are encouraged to carry their own food and drinking water.
All static catering and vending units at railway stations will remain open.
In case of food plaza and refreshments rooms etc, cooked items may be served
No Linen, blankets and curtains will be provided; passengers need to carry own linen for the travel