Infographic: Petrol, diesel should be cheaper, but they are not!

Infographic: Petrol, diesel should be cheaper, but they are not!

Drop in international oil prices should reflect in cheaper petrol and diesel back home - but that's not happening.

Fuel prices in India remain stubborn
Mohsin Shaikh and Mudit Kapoor
  • New Delhi,
  • Sep 12, 2019,
  • Updated Oct 11, 2019, 2:26 PM IST

Fuel prices in India remain stubborn despite a massive slump in global crude oil rates in recent months. Ideally, this drop in international oil prices should reflect in cheaper petrol and diesel back home - but that's not happening. This BusinessToday.In infographic decodes the fuel pricing mechanism in India and answers why petrol, diesel aren't getting cheaper.

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