For years, career progression followed a simple rule: stick around long enough, and you’ll move up. But Anupam Mittal, founder of People Group and a judge on Shark Tank India, says that playbook is now outdated.
In a recent LinkedIn post, Mittal reflected on a question he was asked: “What’s the best way to get promoted?” His answer? Longevity alone no longer guarantees growth. Instead, three key factors determine success in today’s fast-moving workplace.
1. Speed & agility over experience “The market is moving at 10x speed,” Mittal noted. “If you take months to study, strategize & adapt to a trend, toh aap already outdated ho.” He emphasized that quick decision-making, based on first principles, is what truly matters.
2. Progress over mere movement Mittal shared a lesson from his own experience: “I’ve worked 90-hour weeks that delivered nothing. And seen 1 thoughtful project deliver more value than months of noise.” He stressed that real progress comes from measuring impact, not just putting in hours.
3. Ownership over entitlement “The new-age workplace is not a school classroom where attendance = passing marks,” he said. Employees who take initiative, make decisions, and drive results—like founders—are the ones who move up.
Mittal believes that waiting for a company to recognize and reward efforts is “an awful way to manage your career.” Instead, he advises professionals to align with business goals, deliver exceptional value, and then actively seek the positions and compensation they deserve.
“Before I was a founder, I tried to follow this playbook,” he said. “And usually came out ahead.”
In an era where industries evolve at breakneck speed, Mittal’s message is clear: promotions aren’t given for tenure—they’re earned through impact.