SBI recruitment 2019: SBI invites applications for Chief Technology Officer, offers salary up to Rs 1 crore; here's how to apply

SBI recruitment 2019: SBI invites applications for Chief Technology Officer, offers salary up to Rs 1 crore; here's how to apply

SBI recruitment 2019: The State Bank of India has announced applications for post of Chief Technology Officer (CTO) offering salary up to Rs 80 lakh per annum to 1 crore to the suitable candidate.

India's largest public lender the State Bank of India (SBI) has announced its latest recruitment drive and is inviting aspirants to apply for the post of Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at
  • May 12, 2019,
  • Updated May 12, 2019, 2:46 PM IST

SBI recruitment 2019: SBI recruitment 2019: India's largest public lender the State Bank of India (SBI) has announced its latest recruitment drive and is inviting aspirants to apply for the post of Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at

Candidates who are interested in applying for this job can visit the official website of the bank to apply as well as find out the related details as a part of SBI recruitment 2019.

The aspirants can apply for the position on or before May 20, 2019. The hiring for Specialist Cadre Officers in SBI will be done on a contractual basis for 5 years.

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The candidates are required to register on SBI's official website through the link made available on the bank's website or

After choosing the right candidate for the post an intimation or call letter for interview will be sent either by mail or will be uploaded on SBI's website. Aspirants must note that no hard copy will be sent.

SBI Recruitment 2019: Role of CTO.

A CTO's role is to ensure the bank's environment is secure and stable and shall be in charge of the bank's technological needs and IT architecture. The officer will examine the short and long term needs of the organisation and form resultant IT strategies for it. The CTO will also oversee the bank's data, security, maintenance and network and apply a suitable technical strategy.

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SBI Recruitment 2019: Check the post details here.

Post Name- Chief Technology Officer (CTO).

Nature of Post- Contractual (5 years).

Grade [Comparable Grade Scale] - CGM [TEGSS-I (Top Executive Grade Special Scale-I)]

Vacancy- 1 Post (General Category)

Maximum age- 55 years (as on 30.09.2019)

Selection Process - Shortlisting and Interview

Likely place of posting - Navi Mumbai

Also Read: SBI recruitment 2019: Vacanies with CTC up to Rs 80 lakh now open

SBI Recruitment 2019: Eligibility Criteria.

Educational Qualification - BE/ BTech/ MCA (from a recognized University) OR MSc/ MTech in CS/ IT (from a recognized University).

Work Experience- The candidate must have minimum of 20 years' experience in the IT field, preferably with software development background. He/She is also required to have a minimum of 10 years experience in a senior executive level position, out of which minimum 3 years should be in the banking & financial sector.

SBI Recruitment 2019: Key Skills.

The candidate is required to have first-hand knowledge in supervising the development of large software solutions and have exposure to core banking solutions, digital banking, networking, IT infrastructure solutions and learning management solutions. He/she should be up-to-date with the current and future IT that impact SBI's digital and financial assets and needs to possess the technical know-how as well as human capacity building skills in IT.

SBI recruitment 2019: Salary.

The indicative Cost to Company (CTC) for the post of CTO is Rs 80 lakh to 100 Lakh (CTC is negotiable for a suitable candidate) per annum.

Also Read: SBI PO Recruitment 2019: 2,000 vacancies for probationary officers; here's all you need to know!

SBI recruitment 2019: Guidelines to apply.

Step 1: Register on the official SBI website online through the link available at OR

Step 2: Scan and upload your latest photograph and signature first. The online application will not be registered unless the candidate uploads his/ her photo and signature as specified on the online registration page (under 'How to Upload Document"), the SBI advertisement says.

Step 3: Fill the application form carefully and submit the same. In the event of candidate not being able to fill the application in one go, he/she can save the information already entered.

Step 4: After you fill in the information in the application form, a provisional registration number and password will be generated by the system and displayed on your screen.

Step 5: Note down the registration number and password. You can re-open the saved application using your registration number and password and edit your particulars if needed. However, you can edit the saved information only three times.

Note: The candidates should submit their application after thoroughly checking the completely filled application. No changes/ amendments shall be allowed after final submission of the application.

SBI recruitment 2019: Selection procedure.

The candidates will be selected basis the shortlisting and interview. The Shortlisting Committee constituted by SBI will decide the selection parameters for the interview and will call the shortlisted candidates for interview.

SBI recruitment 2019: Merit List.

The merit list for selection will be prepared in descending order on the basis of scores obtained in interview only. In case more than one candidate scores the cut-off marks (common marks at cut-off point), such candidates will be ranked according to their age in descending order, in the merit.

SBI recruitment 2019: Merit List: Important dates to remember.

Online Registration:  May 6, 2019.

Closure of registration: May 20, 2019.

Closure of editing application: May 20, 2019.

Last date of printing your application: May 28 2019.

Online fee payment: May 6-20,  2019.

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