Google has started a series of doodles thanking frontline medical professionals around the world for combating coronavirus. Google said it would continue the "Thank You" series over the next two weeks.
"This week, we're beginning a series of Doodles to recognise the many people responding to COVID-19- from doctors and nurses caring for people on the front lines, to teachers and food service workers ensuring essential goods and services are still available," Google said in an official statement.
Google has displayed the first 'thank you' to scientists. There will be 14 such doodles, displaying "Thank You " messages to doctors, nurses, medical workers, emergency services workers, sanitation workers, farm-workers and grocery workers.
"Over the next two weeks, our Doodles will honor other essential frontline workers, including healthcare workers, first responders, and the many people keeping services like sanitation, food service, public transit, schools, and more up and running. Thank you to all the people who are working to save lives and keep communities safe during this pandemic," Google added.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic started, Google has leveraged its platforms to provide information and link to health resources. For Instance, the software firm recently launched its COVID-19 information and resources website. It also aggregated user location history to quantify COVID-19 impact in 131 countries.
Also read: Coronavirus in India: State-wise COVID-19 cases, deaths, list of testing facilities