APPsolute Musts

APPsolute Musts

Declutter your SMS inbox or add a dash of perfection to your pictures with these easy-to-use apps.

Nidhi Singal
  • Delhi,
  • Apr 08, 2016,
  • Updated Apr 08, 2016, 10:46 AM IST

UBox: Android, Free

With e-mail, WhatsApp and Twitter becoming the preferred modes of communication, messages have taken a backseat. And we often end up missing important messages in between all the spam we receive every day, despite registering for DND. UBox is a neat app that segregates messages according to their nature, without messing up with the original messaging app. Ubox divides messages under banking, bills, bookings, chats and promos. Under chats, all the communication with your contacts and unknown numbers is stored, whereas all banking related messages are listed under the banking head. The app works beautifully, eliminating the need of browsing through the long list of messages when you are looking for a particular one. The remaining messages appear on the homepage of the app and that needs to be worked on. Within the app, you also have the option to block a contact.

Fitastik: iOS, Android, Free

This utility app helps you keep all your prescriptions, test reports and other health records in one place. The app stores digital copies of medical records that you can even share with people. To create an account, you need to enter personal information such as name, date of birth and gender. Once the account is created, you can add digitised copies of your tests and prescriptions, and add a note on allergies and conditions. While adding a test report, it asks for the names of the test and laboratory. The app lists almost all common tests and known labs; you can add the name of the lab, if it is missing from the list. Once saved, the file is uploaded on the cloud server and can be accessed anytime, anywhere and even shared with family members or doctors over email. You can also create a profile for your family member and save their test reports and prescriptions. While this is a free service, you can upgrade the account by paying `600 annually and all the documents will be collected from your home, digitised and carefully returned.

Enlight: iOS, Rs 250

Addicted to adding filters and editing images through apps before sharing them on social media platforms? Enlight is a one-stop photo editing app featuring a host of filters and artistic tools neatly placed in a list. You can click a new image using the app or open one from the gallery. There are options such as canvas, image, filters, tools and brushes; selecting one of them opens more options in each category. For instance, the colour correction option allows you to use curves to make edits. It also lets you share images on social networks, e-mails and messages. The app takes some getting used to. But with time, you can master editing images.

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