7 crazy things people have done to buy an iPhone


7 crazy things people have done to buy an iPhone

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Apple iPhone, one of the most popular flagship smartphones in the world, undoubtedly has earned the reputation of a luxury brand across the world. In fact, some people buy iPhones only to show off.People try to get their hands on the latest iPhones as soon as they come. However, there are people who go over and above and do things beyond imagination to get an iPhone in order to become a part of the Apple ecosystem.Here are some of the craziest things people have done to buy an iPhone all over the world. Take a look.Anshika Awasthi

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Selling kidney to buy an iPhoneSelling kidneys for buying an iPhone is a common joke that usually appears in full force whenever a new model is launched.But it became a reality when a Chinese man, Wang Shangkun, sold his kidney to buy an IPhone. He was also quoted saying, "Why do I need two kidneys? One is enough."Back in 2011, Shangkun, who was 17 years old then, had sold one of his kidneys to buy an iPhone and iPad, according to local media reports. Now 25 years old, he needs dialysis to survive.

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Rent out his girlfriend

In 2014, a 25-year-old Chinese man, Wei Chu, offered to 'rent' his 21-year-old girlfriend, Xiao Ai, to raise money to buy the latest model of iPhone.
Chu stood outside Songjiang University in Shanghai, holding a 'Girlfriend Sharing' advertising board.He also invited interested passers-by to check out images of his girlfriend by logging on to a nearby WiFi network.

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'You don't have to sell a kidney' - only spermIn 2015, sperm banks in China advertised that they will give potential sperm donors enough money to buy new iPhone 6s in exchange for their semen.The advertising campaign by the Chinese sperm banks back then read, "You don't have to sell a kidney" - only sperm.

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Sold 18-day-old infant to buy an iPhoneIn 2016, a Chinese couple allegedly sold their newly born 18-day-old baby daughter for $3,530 to buy an iPhone and motorbike.As per the local media reports, the  father of the child found the buyer for his infant on the social media site QQ, who paid $3,530 (23,000 yuan) for the baby.

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12-year-old tried to kill her mom for iPhoneIn an unbelievable incident, a 12-year-old Colorado girl tried to kill her mother twice by poisoning her with bleach for taking away her iPhone. The girl was then taken to a juvenile detention facility.

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iPhone as dowryIn one of the other bizarre incidents, a Saudi man, in 2014, was asked to give an iPhone 6 as dowry to marry the girl he proposed to.The iPhone was demanded by none other than the girl's brother who wanted the then-new iPhone 6 in exchange for his sister's hand in marriage.

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Hired someone to buy latest Apple devicesMany people earn money in queues waiting to buy new Apple devices on launch day, rather than spending on the freshly launched gadgets.Apple fans who want to buy the iPhone for their choice on launch day usually stand in queues for hours or even days to secure their place. Many people over the years have been paying several hundreds of dollars to others for standing in line for long hours to buy the latest iPhone.