The popular microblogging site Twitter became a lifesaver for many when millions of users started seeking COVID-related help on the platform. Due to the ravaging pandemic, Twitter announced an Advanced search feature so that people in need of oxygen, beds, and drugs could connect to get timely help.The platform has rolled out many new features recently and is ready to bring in more for better user experience. From Tip Jar to Safety Mode, here's what Twitter has in store for users.Story : Anshika Awasthi
1- Advanced searchWith the second wave of Covid-19 wreaking havoc in people's lives, many are turning to Twitter and Instagram to check and share oxygen, bed and covid drugs availability on these platforms.The Advance search option helps users to filter out tweets in accordance with their needs.With this, users will be able to find tweets closer to their current location to get help in time. But for this, users will have to keep their location on.
2- Twitter space for users with at least 600 followersEarlier this month, Twitter announced that it is opening the Spaces feature for everyone with 600 followers or more for both IOS and Android Twitter users.Twitter Spaces is an audio-only feature that allows hosts to stream voice chat with its followers. Anyone can be a part of the Spaces group. You are free to listen to the audio conversation or can also be a speaker.
3- You can now add background images, videos to FleetsLate in April 2021, Twitter announced that users could add background images or videos to their Fleets. The new update is for both IOS and Android users.With this, Twitter users will be able to add an image or video as the background to their Fleets. You can click a photo or use one from your phone's gallery and share it.
4- Bigger and better images both for IOS, AndroidThe photo viewing experience has only gotten better for users on Twitter. As per the recent update, the images that will appear on the Tweet composer are exactly how they will look on the timelines unlike earlier when it used to show the image half cut."Sometimes it's better said with a picture or a video. Over the next few weeks, we'll be testing some ways to improve how you can share and view media on Twitter", wrote Twitter support."Now testing on Android and iOS: when you Tweet a single image, how the image appears in the Tweet composer is how it will look on the timeline -- bigger and better", it added.
5- Tip JarAs per the latest report, Twitter is testing the feature 'Tip Jar' with the help of which you will be able to tip people through a new icon on the user's profile. App researcher Jane Manchun Wong has shown how the feature would look like in the series of tweets. As per the screenshot shared by Wong, one can see a new cash icon next to the profile code. There is a dropdown menu which comes up right after you click on the icon. You will now find payment options such as for Bandcamp, Cash App, Patreon, PayPal and Venmo. You can now choose the payment option of your choice and send money to the user.
6- Super FollowsTwitter is also currently testing this 'Super Follows' payment feature. With this Twitter users will be able to support their favourite Twitter personality.In this, Twitter users will be able to charge followers for the extra content that they will provide. Twitter followers who pay will become members of an exclusive community, will be able to access exclusive content and also receive subscriber-only newsletters.
7- CommunitiesThis new feature will be like one on Facebook. With the help of this feature, twitter users will be able create and join groups of their particular interests like cats, dogs, plants, allowing users to see more tweets on those topics.
8- Business ProfilesAnother feature which Twitter is looking forward to bringing is 'Business Profile. Just like Facebook, twitter will allow its users to open a profile for business. With the help of a business profile, users will be able to connect better with its customers. Business Profile users will be able to share location, address, opening/ closing times and more.
9- Safety ModeIn order to keep users away from abusive content and spam tweets, Twitter is planning to roll out this feature Safety Mode.The Safety Mode will contain an 'Auto block and mute' function which users will have the option of turning on or off. This function will "automatically block accounts that appear to break the Twitter Rules, and mute accounts that might be using insults, name-calling, strong language, or hateful remarks".