Quirks of top business leaders that have helped them succeed


Quirks of top business leaders that have helped them succeed

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Whether it is reading 500 pages every day or giving themselves a pep talk, top business leaders are known to possess some eccentricities that set them apart. Here are famous CEOs and their quirks.

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Jack MaThe co-founder of Alibaba was an English teacher before he started Alibaba and built it into a multi-billion dollar business. But he has his quirks too. He's known to perform for his employees at annual office parties, dancing to his favourite Michael Jackson's foot-tapping numbers. It is his way of mingling with his employees.

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Sundar PichaiGoogle CEO Sundar Pichai is known to be a silent listener at meetings, chipping in only at the end with his ideas that work for everyone. He is also known to wander off in the middle of meetings only to return with a solution to the problems.

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Jeff BezosThe world's richest man has a long list of unusual habits. At the workplace, he never holds a meeting where two pizzas aren't enough to feed everyone in the room. Surprisingly, he meets the investors of Amazon for only six hours in a year. At home, he is known to wash the dishes himself and enjoys it too.

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Jack DorseyThe billionaire CEO of Twitter and Square, Dorsey is a certified masseur but what gives him the maximum confidence is an ice-cold bath in the morning. Nothing gives him greater mental confidence than going from room temperature to ice-cold, he says.

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Warren BuffettEighty nine-year-old Buffett is notorious for eating unhealthy. He stops by at MacDonald's for breakfast everyday and drinks at least five cokes a day. But what sets him apart is his passion for reading. He devotes at least six hours everyday with books, reading about 500 pages a day.

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Satya NadellaIndian born American business executive CEO of Microsoft has made Microsoft the most valuable company. What he also does as a unique habit is giving away books he's read and liked as gifts to people he meets. When he became CEO, he handed out copies of a book about empathetic communication  to his senior leadership team. The book captures his own philosophy of leadership.

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Mark ZuckerbergThe CEO of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg loves to challenge himself every year pushing himself to achieve different personal milestones. He also tries to read a book every two weeks. Interestingly, he's also known to wear the same colour t-shirt every day. This saves him time which he can use for developing business strategies, he says.