Gen Z Indians have been craving a social life for at least one and a half year due to the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent restrictions. A recent study conducted by the online dating app Tinder reveals that 9 in 10 Gen Z Indians are using dating apps to know new people or to simply stay connected.
Besides romantic relationships and long-term partners, youngsters said they swipe right on dating applications for 'making new connections', 'finding friends in their communities', and 'looking for fun hangout buddies'.
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The survey added that 1 out of 3 youngsters believe that their lives ground to a halt all of a sudden (34 per cent) and that they lonely due to lack of social interactions (35 per cent). 47 per cent Indian singles surveyed believe that they have become more virtually creative compared to 2020.
While 68 per cent Indian singles surveyed said it was more convenient to make connections online, 67 per cent people surveyed believe that meeting new people online was a liberating experience. Liking for food, sense of humour, and a love for movies seem to be the qualities most youngsters look for in their partners.
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"In Tinder's survey profiles with these passions are most likely to pass the vibe-check this Friendship Day. While 41 per cent Indian singles are open to match with 'a food lover like me', around 36 per cent hope to match with 'the one with a sense of humour', and 32 per cent hope to meet 'movie enthusiasts'," said the survey.
Even though virtual dating and making online connections became a part of life during the COVID-19 situation, as many as 3 in 5 singles look forward to getting back to real life moments. Youngsters' ideal dating lists now feature activities like 'walks in parks' (37 per cent), 'cooking meals together' (31 per cent), and 'outdoorsy activities' (25 per cent).
Edited by Mehak Agarwal
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