Brit woman wins free NFT from Twitter, sells it for 'life-changing' $110,000

Brit woman wins free NFT from Twitter, sells it for 'life-changing' $110,000

NFTs are digital files that serve as digital signatures to certify who owns photos, videos and other online media. Some of the most valuable NFTs are being sold for millions of dollars at online auction houses

Twitter had gifted Magaret Corvid an NFT titled 'Reply Guy' (Source: Twitter)
  • Jul 06, 2021,
  • Updated Jul 06, 2021, 3:22 PM IST

A local politician in England made a deal of a lifetime when she sold an NFT, which she had gotten for free from Twitter, for $110,000. All Magaret Corvid had to do was write a poem on Twitter. Upon receiving the amount she stated that the money will be "life-changing" for her.

Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, have been the talk of the town over the past few months. NFTs are digital files that serve as digital signatures to certify who owns photos, videos and other online media. Some of the most valuable NFTs are being sold for millions of dollars at online auction houses.

On June 30, Twitter announced that it is offering free NFTs (non-fungible tokens) as part of its "giveaway" campaign. The company is giving away 140 new NFTs featuring images ranging from Twitter logo to Tamagotchi virtual pet and Furry Twitter to Twitter Jggl. "140 free NFTs for 140 of you, besties," the platform said in a post.

Margaret Corvid is a local politician from Plymouth, England who has been involved with NFTs since March of 2021. She writes poems for "etherpoems" which is an NFT project featuring 206 unique poems by nine poets, according to Business Insider.

Corvid quote-tweeted Twitter's giveaway tweet and added a poem of her own. Later, Twitter replied to Corvid's tweets asking her to check her DMs (Direct Messages). Twitter had gifted her an NFT titled 'Reply Guy'. It is a GIF featuring a marble statue with an egg for a head sitting atop a throne.

Soon after, Corvid discovered a cryptocurrency bid for the NFT she had received from Twitter for free. After consulting with her friends she decided to sell the NFT for 50 Ethereum (ETH), a cryptocurrency. This roughly amounted to $110,000.

"It is such a blessing. I was in the right place at the right time. I did write the poem, but it wasn't a contest or something - Twitter just decided to give me that. And I was just really lucky to get the offer," Corvid told Business Insider.  She added that the amount she was received is "life-changing". "I'm disabled. So it's really important for me to be a wise steward of blessings like this," she added.  

Corvid has already invested $40,000 in CryptoPunk which was one of the initial NFTs to have been released on the Ethereum blockchain. Corvid believes that the NFT community is not just about money. According to her, the NFT community offers opportunities for inclusion. "I really want women, people of color, people who have disabilities, trans folks, folks with mental health challenges, and folks who've been poor to have a voice in this space," she said.

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