INDIA TODAY GROUP DIGITAL (ITGD) is the digital arm of the India Today Group and is an entity that digitally processes, uploads, markets and distributes contents of the entire group. The objective of the division is to ensure that the premium content of the India Today Group is available in several digital formats viz Internet, SMS (52424), Voice (5052424), mobile applications or digital subscriptions. It also ensures accurate information dissemination of the group across a variety of social media platforms.

ITGD is a pioneer in enhanced and interactive content distribution through a variety of news applications that reach out to millions of app users around the globe, compatible with a variety of platforms Android, iOS, Symbian, Blackberry, Windows Phone, SmartTVs and many more. ITGD is also responsible for the maintenance and promotion of 18 digital magazines, which can be read on tablets, smart phones and PCs in a variety of user-friendly formats. ITGD websites are among the Top 5 websites in India under News & Information category as per the July, 2013 comScore report.