What is the objective of the listing/initiative?
Business Today and Thomson Reuters have entered into a partnership to recognise the Top 30 Finance Global Capability Centres (GCCs) in India, that is, GCCs that have centralised their finance function. The Top 30 GCCs will be published in the Business Today Magazine. Business Today & Thomson Reuters aim to build this as an annual initiative to publish the most definitive list of the Top 30 GCCs in Finance.
Who can apply?
Global Capability Centres of all sizes, which are centralised and have a Finance function are eligible to nominate their respective GCCs. The list is opt-in, that is, companies will be given the option to apply for inclusion in subsequent years.
Why should a GCC apply?
The Top 30 Finance GCCs in India listing will be published in the Business Today Magazine & on businesstoday.in. This will enhance National and Global Recognition for the GCC and build a reputation as a world class leader in the finance processes in terms of technology and digital transformation-led initiatives and establishing itself as an Impact creator in the finance domain.
Can I submit my application in any language?
Application form needs to be submitted only in English Language
Can I apply for evaluation in more than one finance processes ?
Yes, the GCC can apply for more than one finance process for evaluation from the below-mentioned six processes:
1) Procure to Pay (P2P)
2) Order to Cash (O2C)
3) Tax Compliance Management/ Advisory/ Tax Data Management
4) Financial Planning & Analysis
5) Trade Compliance
6) Record to Report (transaction processing, reconciliation and consolidation and last mile of finance i.e., preparation of legal entity financial statements and notes/ disclosures)
7) And any other Finance Trade processes (with brief description)
What does the application process entail?
The application process entails the GCC to fill the entire application form. The application must be submitted in line with the submission themes mentioned in the form. The printout of the last page, physically signed and stamped by the head of the GCC, must be scanned and uploaded with the online application form.
Who is eligible to participate?
Any GCC registered in India having a finance function can participate by submitting an application on the microsite.
Where do I fill out the application form?
Can I submit multiple applications under the initiative?
No, the GCC can only make one application submission under the initiative. However they can nominate multiple processes within one application.
Is there a fee for submitting entries?
There is no fee for submitting the application entry.
Is it mandatory to provide supporting documents?
Providing supporting documents for the processes is optional. However, supporting documents will provide greater validity of your innovations for the jury's assessment. It is, however, mandatory to upload the last page of the form with the signature of the head of the GCC along with company stamp.
What happens to my application once it is submitted?
Once the application form is submitted, the entries will be screened by BT and its partners. Eligible applications will be shortlisted, and the GCC may be contacted for clarifications if necessary.
How will I know that my online application has been received?
The GCC will receive a confirmation email, mentioning successful submission of their application on their registered email id provided in the application form.
Do I have to complete the entire application at one time?
No, the GCC can fill the application form and save it as a draft for later use before the final submission of the application form.
Can I make changes to my application after it has been submitted?
Once the application is submitted, it cannot be changed by the GCC. Further, in case of any queries or any assistance needed, request to please write to us at
Can I fill the application offline and later mail it to you?
No, the application can only be submitted online on the microsite. In case of any queries or assistance needed, request to please write to us at
What is the deadline for submission of entries?
The deadline to submit the application of entries is 31st March 2023
What if I forget my password?
You can reset your password by using the option 'forgot password' and follow the instructions thereafter.
When is the announcement of results?
The results will be announced in March 2023
How many winners will be selected?
The Top 30 GCCs will be selected and published in the Business Today Magazine.
How do we know if we are shortlisted and need to provide information?
The shortlisted GCC applications will be contacted over the e-mail provided in the application form, to inform about their selection for the further rounds of evaluation
How do I access the terms & conditions for the initiative?
Terms and Conditions for the initiative are available on the microsite at the bottom of the application form, which need to be agreed to before the submission of the application form
How will the Top 30 GCCs list be promoted?
The list will be promoted across the Business Today Network- Business Today Magazine, BusinessToday.in, Business Today Social Media Handles as well as by our partner Thomson Reuters.
What is the evaluation methodology?
The entries will be evaluated on the following 3 parameters:
Automation / Innovation Strategy
Process Improvements
Impact of the change / Benefits achieved
Will the information provided be kept confidential?
All information provided will be kept
confidential and will only be disclosed to Business Today, Thomson Reuters and the knowledge partner
Are there guidelines for publicising my company’s recognition?
Yes, the Top 30 GCCs can publicise their achievement. Any publicity done needs to credit the partners, Business Today & Thomson Reuters, by way of mentioning the initiative name, that is, Business Today & Thomson Reuters Top 30 Finance GCCs in India Listing.