More Women, Non-Engineers Join MBA Courses

The rise of women in corporate boardrooms stems from higher enrollment in B-schools as MBA classrooms become more diverse

As per BT-MDRA India’s Best B-schools Survey 2022, the share of female students in the top 25 management schools has grown to 34.5% in 2021-22, a rise from 27.7% in 2014-15

Top B-schools now have more female students when compared to previous years 

India’s top B-school in 2022, IIM Calcutta has witnessed a hike in the share of female students to about 25% from 5%, as per Uttam Kumar Sarkar, Director of IIMC

The diversity in MBA classrooms goes beyond gender. An increasing number of students from non-engineering backgrounds are now enrolling in B-schools

In the top 25 B-schools, the share of students from non-engineering backgrounds has surged to 36% in 2020-21, a sharp rise from 16% eight years ago

The share of non- engineering students is growing, thus bringing more balance in ratio of non-engineers to engineers in MBA classrooms 

As per a survey by advisory firm Grant Thornton, India ranks seventh among 29 countries when it comes to women working in senior management positions. With MBA classrooms getting more diverse, India’s rank will likely improve further

Business Today’s
 special issue on
India’s Best B-schools
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Magazine Story by: Arnab Dutta
Designed by: Mohsin Shaikh
Produced by: Prashanti Moktan 

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