Coal production contracted for the second consecutive month in February. In fact, this was the highest fall in last 6 months
Crude oil production fell by 3.2% in February 2021 primarily on account of fall in the output from oilfields belonging to national oil companies
Natural gas production fell by 1% in February, contracting for 12th consecutive month
Refinery production declined sharply to a 4-month low of 10.9% in February compared with 2.6% in January 2021
Fertilisers production hit a 10-month low of 3.7% in February primarily because the rabi season had come to an end
Steel output fell by 1.8% in February 2021 as against a positive growth of 6.2% in January 2021
The contraction in steel production has been on account of lower buoyancy shown by user industries
Cement output, which fell by 5.5% in February 2021, has witnessed 4 consecutive months of contraction
Electricity production dipped marginally for the first time in February 2021
The electricity sector witnessed positive growth for 5 consecutive months before February 2021
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