6 types of office politicians you may encounter and how to avoid them

The gossip hound

Spreads office gossip, often disregarding boundaries. Stick to business talk to steer clear of their drama.

The credit thief

Claims others' ideas as their own. Regularly update your boss to ensure your work is recognized.

The flatterer

Dishes out insincere compliments. Stay authentic and let leaders see through their motives.

The saboteur

Undermines others for personal gain. Confront them if needed, and keep records as a safeguard.

The lobbyist

Manipulates opinions to sway decisions. Stand firm and voice your views clearly.

The advisor

Holds influence with leaders. Befriend them to gain insights and navigate office dynamics.

How can I survive office politics? Keep clicking

Develop in-demand skills

Make yourself indispensable to minimize your exposure to politics.

Be reliable

High-quality, consistent work builds a shield against political games.

Maintain professionalism

Be friendly and respectful to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings.

Communicate clearly

Transparent communication helps prevent political issues. Document key discussions.

Document your work

Keep thorough records to protect yourself from blame or credit theft.

Stay neutral in conflicts

Avoid taking sides to remain above the fray.