BT-MDRA India’s Best
B-Schools 2023: Know how management education has evolved
in India; check top institutes offering
2-year MBA, executive MBA courses, and more

Produced by: Harshita
Designed by: Mohsin Shaikh

Management education in India has evolved over decades. Today, an MBA is not necessarily only a two-year programme, and you could even do it fully online, albeit its merits are yet debatable. With Covid-19 awakening, and edtech firms joining the management bandwagon, the already diverse universe of management courses and formats has further expanded

Evolution of Management

Today, a student can choose from a one-year MBA; an executive MBA; a host of online certifications from edtech firms and, of course, the full-time two-year MBA. And these courses are being delivered in different ways—on-campus, hybrid, and even fully online

From 2-year MBA to fully
online executive MBAs

In the 24th edition of the Business Today Best Bschools ranking, done in partnership with MDRA since 2013, BT has introduced three new categories—India’s best one-year MBA programmes, best executive MBA programmes, and the best edtech platforms offering management programmes—in addition to the traditional ranking of two-year MBA courses

Business Today Best
Bschools ranking

Check out the top 5 institutes offering two-year MBA programmes in India, according to BT-MDRA Survey

Top institutes offering
2-year MBA

Check out the top 5 institutes offering one-year management courses, according to BT-MDRA Survey

The one-year wonders

Check out the top 5 edtechs offering management courses through tie-ups, according to BT-MDRA Survey

Digital leaders

Check out the top 5 institutes offering executive programmes, according to BT-MDRA Survey

Executive programme

“The two-year MBA in the US is under severe financial stress,” said SPJIMR Dean Varun Nagaraj. Enrollments to schools outside the elite league of, say, Harvard till Carnegie Mellon, are under pressure because their value proposition is not that great beyond a certain ranking. That’s why specialised one-year masters are all the rage now there, he added

2-year MBA in the
US under stress

In India, however, the two-year MBA serves more as a “mind-expanding finishing school” in the absence of a broad-based liberal arts approach to education, said SPJIMR's Varun Nagaraj, adding “MBAs here have to almost act as the fourth and fifth year of school or college. We should look at it differently than in the US because what precedes the MBA in India is very different.”

MBA in India: "Mind-
expanding finishing school'

As India and its corporate landscape are set to occupy the pride of place in the world economy over the next few decades, there is a need to configure management programmes in various ways to meet the needs of the target group. That can only be good news for aspiring managers and CEOs, said experts

MBA programmes for
aspiring managers, CEOs

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