Produced by: Hitansh Gaur
The Titan submersible, which went missing with five passengers, has not been located. The submersible was going for an expedition to witness the wreck of Titanic.
The Titan submersible, owned by OceanGate Inc, is carrying its CEO Stockton Rush, British billionaire Hamish Harding, Pakistani Businessman Shahzada Dawood and his son Suleiman, and French explorer Paul Henry Nargeolet.
As per New York Times, OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush is married to the descendant of one of the famous couples who drowned to death in the Titanic tragedy. Wendy Rush is the great-great-granddaughter of business tycoons Isidor and Ida Straus. Characters based on the couple also featured in James Cameron’s blockbuster film Titanic.
As per the NYT report, “"Survivors of the disaster recalled seeing Isidor Straus refuse a seat on a lifeboat when women and children were still waiting to flee the sinking liner. Ida Straus, his wife of four decades, declared that she would not leave her husband, and the two were seen standing arm in arm on the Titanic’s deck as the ship went down. A fictionalised version of the Strauses’ story was immortalised in pop culture by the director James Cameron, whose 1997 film about the disaster features a poignant shot of an older couple embracing in bed as the waters rise around their cabin."
French explorer, Paul Henry Nargeolet is an expert of the Titanic, who has himself guided 35 such expeditions. He’s been researching about the wreck of Titanic since 1986. Nargeolet is a former French Navy Captain.
As the search for the missing submersible is on, more ships and vessels were rushed to the spot where it went missing. Underwater sounds have been heard for a second day. Captain Jamie Frederick of the First Coast Guard District admitted that the sound offered a chance to narrow the search, but its source and location is still unknown.
The missing vessel is a submersible and not a submarine. The difference is that a Submersible has the power to launch itself in the ocean and come back to the surface. But a submersible is dependent on a support ship to launch and recover it.
As per the reports, the missing vessel is left with just 10 more hours of oxygen as of Thursday afternoon. Due to this, the US Navy is sending a special lifting equipment, Victor 6000, that has a handling capacity of three times the size of the Titan submersible.
Since, the submersible went missing the sinking of Titanic is being talked about a lot. People are coming up with theories as to why the 1912 disaster happened. One such report talks about the Titanic curse. According to the report, a British editor, William Stead, was travelling on the ship, and he used to write about Egyptian curses and Native American burial ground. Some believe that due to his work, one such curse followed him to the ship causing the disaster which killed more than 1,500 people.