7 silent warning signs of high blood pressure in morning you should not ignore

Produced by: BT Desk Designed by: Manoj Kumar

1. High readings

Persistent high readings upon waking, known as morning hypertension, are a cause for concern.

2. Less sleep

Your body’s natural rhythm, stress hormones, and sleep disturbances can influence blood pressure.

3 Persistent morning headaches

Morning headaches can indicate blood vessel strain from high blood pressure.

4 Unexplained nosebleeds

Sudden nosebleeds may result from elevated pressure rupturing delicate nose blood vessels.

5 Constant morning fatigue

Feeling drained in the mornings can be a sign of high blood pressure affecting energy levels.

6 Restlessness

Difficulty relaxing or feeling agitated in the morning can be linked to morning hypertension.

7. Dizziness

Experiencing dizziness upon waking can sometimes be caused by fluctuations in blood pressure.