India among the top 10 slowest countries to drive in; Check out full list, fastest countries with easy traffic flow & more

Produced By: Hitansh Gaur

World’s Slowest Countries

UK-based finance and loan company Moneybarn recently released the list of top ten slowest countries to drive in. Each country was given a score out of 10 based on the factors decided by the researchers.

Slowest Countries: Deciding Factors

Factors on which the researchers grade the country were average congestion level, average days with high traffic, average days with low traffic, highest speed limit in towns (mph), highest speed limit (mph), road quality score (out of 7), Numbeo traffic index score and the overall slow traffic score (out of 10).

Slowest Countries: Total Countries

The firm judged 49 countries in total, out of which it ranked the top 10 slowest countries and also the top 10 fastest countries.

Top 10 Slowest Countries: India’s rank

The British firm has ranked India as the 10th slowest country in the world with an overall traffic score of 6.46 out of 10. In terms of road quality, India secured a score of 4.5 out of 7.

Top 10 Slowest Countries to drive in

No. 1 – Peru (8.45/10) No. 2 – Romania (7.83/10) No. 3 – Israel (7.35/10) No. 4 – Mexico (7.20/10) No. 5 – Latvia (6.73/10)

Top 10 Slowest Countries: Ranking

No. 6 – Poland (6.58/10) No. 7 – Belgium (6.55/10) No. 8 – Chile (6.49/10) No. 9 – Argentina (6.46/10) No. 10 – India (6.46/10)

Fastest Country to drive in

On the other hand, the US topped the chart of top ten fastest countries with a traffic score of 2.94. America secured a score of 5.5 out of 7 in terms of road quality.

Top 10 Fastest Countries to drive in

No. 1 – Unites States of America (2.94/10) No. 2 – United Arab Emirates (2.95/10) No. 3 – Malaysia (3.63/10) No. 4 – Canada (3.93/10) No. 5 – Netherlands (3.96/10)

Top 10 Fastest Countries: Ranking

No. 6 – Portugal (4.02/10) No. 7 – Austria (4.08/10) No. 8 – Australia (4.23/10) No. 9 – Denmark (4.47/10) No. 10 – Thailand (4.61/10)