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Comparing children to relatives in a negative light can damage their self-esteem and create unnecessary pressure.
Comparisons to other children can lead to feelings of inadequacy and diminish their sense of self-worth.
Harsh words like these can be emotionally damaging, affecting a child's self-confidence and mental health.
Statements that undermine a child’s capabilities can result in a lack of motivation and persistent self-doubt.
Dismissing a child’s emotions invalidates their feelings and can lead to emotional suppression and detachment.
Labeling a child as a troublemaker can negatively impact their behavior and how they perceive themselves.
Constant comparisons with siblings can foster rivalry and deep-seated feelings of inadequacy.
Ignoring or dismissing a child's concerns makes them feel unimportant and unsupported.
Negative comments about a child's intelligence can severely affect their academic confidence and interest in learning.