Produced by: BT Desk Designed by: Muskan Arora
Whether you are a college student, a homemaker, or a person in other roles, you can still start a business venture with an investment of Rs 10,000.
Sour food holds a special place in the hearts of Indians, with pickles and chutneys being a must in meals. The process of making homemade pickles for families is a time-consuming task. All you require are fresh raw material and packaging material. Effective marketing strategies and word of mouth can help you to connect with costumers.
One of the rapidly growing businesses in the last decade starts with a low investment of Rs 10,000. Numerous companies are engaging bloggers to craft articles and stories for their web platform, enabling them to reach global audience. In this age of internet, blogging has become a crucial support for businesses. The best thing is it does not require high capital and can be done with low investment of Rs 10,000.
Starting a tiffin service is an excellent choice for women with limited investment. It can be initiated minimal capital, utilizing kitchen ingredients. Given that most couples work these days, there is a demand for healthy homemade tiffin services.
The post pandemic era has witnessed the surge in fitness enthusiasm, and individuals are ready to invest a substantial amount in their health. The demand for online fitness instructor has increased in recently. If you possess ample knowledge and skills in this niche, this business is for you.
If you are enthusiastic about cooking, launching your cooking channel on YouTube is an excellent option. Individuals can share their recipes and earn a good income. Creating a video, editing and then sharing it on YouTube can turn into lucrative business venture with less investment, albeit requires time and patience.
In today’s fast –paced world, where people have limited time but aspire to maintain their health and appreciate the value of Yoga, you can start teaching Yoga asanas online, either from home or at a community center. It is one of the most in demand business that can be started with a minimum investment of Rs 10,000.