‘2182 ends humanity?’ Scientists reveal the deadly truth about an incoming asteroid 

Produced by: Manoj Kumar

Impact Simulated

A future asteroid strike has been modeled, revealing the catastrophic effects Earth may face.

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Bennu Threatens

The asteroid Bennu has a 1 in 2,700 chance of colliding with Earth in 2182—small, but real.

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Doom Calculated

Scientists at Pusan National University ran simulations to predict the aftermath of impact.

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Climate Collapses

A strike could inject 400 million tons of dust into the atmosphere, cooling Earth by 4°C.

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Ozone Depletes

The impact may strip 32% of the ozone layer, exposing plants and animals to deadly radiation.

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Food Diminishes

Photosynthesis could drop by 30%, leading to severe disruptions in global food security.

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Algae Thrives

While land plants struggle, marine algae may bloom, creating unexpected food sources.

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Survival Possible

History suggests humanity could endure, but with fewer numbers and altered lifestyles.

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Lessons Ignored

Scientists warn impacts happen every 100,000 years—yet, we remain unprepared.

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