'A magnetic monster in deep space': A rare star system that may bend spacetime found

Produced by: Mohsin Shaikh


Magnetic Vampire

A white dwarf with an intense 38.7 MG magnetic field is siphoning material from its companion. This binary system, ZTF J0112+5827, is among the most extreme cataclysmic variables ever found.

Representative pic/NASA

Tidal Terror

Orbiting each other in just 81 minutes, these two stars are locked in a violent gravitational embrace. Their rapid dance may soon send detectable ripples through spacetime.


Invisible Waves

LISA, a future space-based gravitational wave detector, may one day pick up signals from this extreme binary system. Could ZTF J0112+5827 be the missing puzzle piece in astrophysics?

Credit: University of Florida / Simon Barke (CC BY 4.0)

Cosmic Cyclone

Unlike normal cataclysmic variables, polars like ZTF J0112+5827 don’t have an accretion disk—its powerful magnetic field channels material into blazing cyclonic streams.

Orbital Doom

At just 0.8 and 0.07 solar masses, these stars are spiraling closer, locked in a fate dictated by gravity and magnetism. Could this system be on the path to a violent merger?

Galactic Siren

With its tight orbit and extreme magnetism, this system is expected to emit gravitational waves too faint for Earth-based detectors. But in space, LISA might finally hear its eerie call.

Dying Dance

A stellar corpse and a fading companion whirl around each other at breakneck speed. Their twisted relationship sheds new light on the chaotic life cycle of binary systems.

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Star Eater

The white dwarf in this system is devouring its smaller companion star, funneling matter along its magnetic field lines. Could this be the future fate of other close binary systems?

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LISA’s Target

With its extreme mass transfer and rapid orbit, ZTF J0112+5827 is a prime candidate for future gravitational wave detection. Could this be one of LISA’s first big discoveries?

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