‘A volcano or ancient impact’: NASA’s InSight mission discovers mysterious structures beneath Mars’ surface

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New Mars Discovery

Recent research has unveiled massive, hidden structures beneath Mars’ surface, where an ancient ocean is believed to have once existed. This finding was reported by Science Alert and was presented at the Euro planet Science Congress in Berlin by Bart Root from Delft University of Technology.

Advanced Techniques

The discovery was made by combining data from multiple space missions with sophisticated modelling techniques. Researchers used gravity field data from satellites to probe the internal structure of Mars.

Volcanic or Impact Origins

The identified dense structures could either be volcanic formations or remnants of ancient impacts. About 20 such features were found near the northern polar cap, with one even resembling a dog.

Insights into Mars’ Mantle

The study suggests that the Martian mantle’s active processes might be contributing to the growth of Olympus Mons, the largest volcano in the solar system.

Credit: IPGP

Density Map Findings

The research revealed that structures in the northern polar region are approximately 300-400 kg/m³ denser than their surroundings. This data was integrated with findings from NASA’s InSight mission.

Credit: NASA

Tharsis Region Analysis

A significant, lightweight structure approximately 1,750 kilometres wide was discovered 1,100 kilometres beneath the Tharsis Rise, causing the region to bulge upward.

Credit: NASA

Revised Understanding of Mars’ Geology

Dr. Root indicated that the new data from the InSight mission prompts a reevaluation of how Olympus Mons and its surrounding area are supported. It suggests that Mars might still be experiencing active internal movements.

Volcanic Activity Debate

While Mars currently has no active volcanoes, the research hints that the Tharsis region may have undergone recent volcanic resurfacing, suggesting that volcanic activity on Mars might be more recent than previously believed.