BSEB 2023: Bihar Board 10th Results Announced; Check Pass Percentage, Toppers

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Designed by: Mohsin

The Bihar Secondary Education Board (BSEB) has announced the Class 10 Bihar Board results today on its official website

Bihar Board Class
10th results

Bihar State Education Minister Chandrashekhar visited the BSEB office in Bihar to release the Matric result. The pass percentage in Bihar Board Class 10 Result 2023 is 81.04%

BSEB Class 10 board exam
results; Pass percentage

Total Students - 16,10,657
Boys Passed - 6,61,570
Girls passed - 6,43,633

BSEB Class 10 Result
2023: Key Stats

Here are the toppers of the BSEB Class 10 board exams
- Mohammad Rumman Ashraf from the Islamia High School, Sheikhpura topped the BSEB Class 10 Exam 2023 with 489 (97.8%) marks
- Namrata Kumari from the Nirmala Shiksha Bhawan, Shahpur Pati, Bhojpur secured the No. 2 position with 486 (97.2%) marks

Bihar Class 10 Board exams
results: Toppers

BSEB tweeted the ‘Bihar Board 10th Result 2023 Marksheet Download Direct Working Link’

Bihar Matric result 2023

The Class 10 students should keep their Bihar Board or BSEB admit card ready to know their roll number and other details required to login

BSEB Class 10 admit cards

- Open Bihar board official website -
- Open the Matric result link
- Enter roll code and roll number to login Bihar board website
- Check your result after logging in

Steps to check Bihar Class
10 Board score

In 2023, the Bihar Board modified the exam pattern for Class 10 board exams and more MCQ-based questions were introduced, and the choice options were increased. Due to this, candidates are now required to score a minimum of 30% in each subject to qualify for BSEB Class 10 exams

Bihar Board exams pass

In case of any technical problem, Class 10 students of the Bihar Board can contact these helpline numbers - 0612-2232074, 2232257, 2232239, 2230051, 2232227, 8757241924, 7563067820

Bihar Board Class 10 results:
Helpline numbers

BSEB has already released the Metric answer key 2023 on its website The students can tally their marks with the answer key

Bihar Board Class 10 Result
2023: Matric answer key 

Once BSEB Class 10 board exam results are out students can apply for Bihar board exam scrutiny 2023 if they are not satisfied with their results

Apply online for BSEB scrutiny 2023

BSEB Class 10 exams were conducted in two shifts- first shift from 9:30 am to 12:45 pm and second shift from 1:45 pm to 5 pm on each day

Bihar Board exams timings

In 2022, 16,11,099 students appeared for the Class 10 Bihar board final examination, of which 12,86,971 candidates qualified. The pass percentage was 79.88%. The result was announced on March 31, 2022

BSEB Class 10th Result
2023: A look at last
year's matric exams