‘Exactly like a human face’: NASA’s Mars rover finds a rock that has the world talking

Produced by: Manoj Kumar

1. “Head Rock”

Perseverance rover spotted a rock that looks shockingly like a decaying human head on Mars! While the eerie shape sparks curiosity, it’s just another example of pareidolia, where our brains see familiar forms in random objects like rocks.

Credit : NASA

2. “Mars Mirage”

Captured on 27 September 2024, the “severed head” rock is actually just sedimentary sandstone. Its weathered surface and shadows create the illusion of human-like features, adding to Mars’ growing collection of mind-bending rock shapes.

3. “Alien Illusion”

The strange “head” rock isn’t a sign of alien life—it’s simply Mars playing tricks. This optical illusion, known as pareidolia, has struck before on Mars, with rocks resembling bears, warriors, and even spoons.

4. “Stone Face”

This Martian rock’s shape aligns perfectly with shadows to mimic a brow ridge, nose, and mouth, triggering our brains to recognize a face. Just another eerie coincidence in the ever-illusionary Martian landscape.

Credit : NASA

5. “Martian Mystery”

Though it looks like a decapitated head in the sand, this Mars rock is simply the result of natural erosion. Mars’ harsh environment weathers rocks into all sorts of strange and unsettling forms.

Credit : NASA

6. “Brain Trick”

Our minds often jump to conclusions when we see familiar shapes. The “head” rock captured by Perseverance is just another instance of pareidolia—a mental glitch where we spot faces or objects in random formations.

7. “Desert Mirage”

Like finding faces in clouds, spotting a “head” on Mars is the result of pareidolia. Perseverance’s discovery joins the long list of Martian rocks that look like familiar things—but are just tricks of light and shadow.

8. “Fossil Fantasy”

No, it’s not the fossil of a long-lost Martian! The bizarre head-like rock is just a weathered piece of sandstone. While its human-like features capture imaginations, it’s only a natural formation under Mars’ sun.

9. “Mars’ Faces”

The “head” rock is one of many bizarre formations spotted on Mars that resemble familiar objects. From bears to Bigfoot, these rocky illusions show how our brains make patterns from randomness—even on alien worlds.

10. “Head Games”

Perseverance’s latest find, a rock shaped like a severed head, is a chilling reminder of how our brains see patterns. It’s not alien evidence, just Mars’ way of tricking us with rocks that resemble the familiar in strange ways.