ISRO to land a 'helicopter' on Mars during Mangalyaan-2 mission

Produced by: Tarun Mishra

ISRO's Mars Exploration  Plans

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is developing a unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) for Mars exploration, inspired by NASA's successful Ingenuity quadcopter.

Conceptual UAV for  Martian Exploration

ISRO's rotorcraft, currently in the conceptual stage, will carry multiple instruments for aerial exploration of Mars.

Instrumentation and Objectives

The UAV, equipped with the Martian Boundary Layer Explorer (Marble), will carry various payloads to profile the Martian atmosphere, including sensors for temperature, humidity, pressure, wind speed, electric field, and dust aerosols.

Inspiration from NASA's Ingenuity

ISRO's confidence in developing a Martian helicopter has been bolstered by the achievements of NASA's Ingenuity, which completed an unexpected 72 flights on the Red Planet.

Details Shared by  ISRO Scientist

Scientist Jayadev Pradeep from ISRO's Space Physics Laboratory revealed information about Marble during a webinar, emphasizing its role in conducting high-resolution vertical profiling and in-situ measurements on Mars.

Integration with Future Mangalyaan Mission

ISRO management is considering including the UAV as part of a follow-up mission to Mangalyaan, which aims to land on the Martian surface.

Conclusion of  Mangalyaan Mission

India's inaugural Mars mission, Mangalyaan, concluded its mission in 2022 after nearly a decade in orbit around Mars, providing valuable insights into the planet's surface features and atmosphere.

Insights and Achievements

ISRO Chief S Somanath highlighted the mission's accomplishments, including capturing full-disc images of Mars and generating a comprehensive atlas of the planet with the onboard colour camera.