'Only 1280 survived': Humans lost 99% of the population 900,000 years ago

Produced by: Tarun Mishra

Ancient Population Decline

A study published in August 2023 suggests that human ancestors experienced a dramatic population decline 900,000 to 800,000 years ago, losing 98.7% of their numbers.

Drastic Reduction

The study, published in Science, estimates that the population of breeding individuals was reduced to around 1,280 and remained this small for over 100,000 years.

Extinction Risk

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Population Before Decline

Prior to this bottleneck, the population of breeding individuals ranged between 58,600 and 135,000, indicating a drastic reduction.

Causes of Decline

Researchers argue that extreme cooling and severe droughts in Africa around 900,000 years ago contributed to the decline, along with the reduction of food sources.

Survival Strategies

Co-authors Yi-Hsuan Pan and Haipeng Li believe that ancestral unity and cooperation were crucial for surviving these harsh environmental changes.

Implications for Evolution

The population decline may explain gaps in the African fossil record and could have impacted the genetic diversity of human ancestors, influencing the evolution of Homo heidelbergensis, Neanderthals, and Denisovans.

Credit - Britannica


The study analyzed genetic data from over 3,000 modern humans to track gene variants and draw conclusions about early human evolution, but its methods and interpretations have been questioned by other scientists.

Skepticism and Future Research

While some in the scientific community accept the findings, others, like Aaron Ragsdale, call for independent verification and additional research to validate these conclusions and understand the factors behind the population decline.