‘Time travel is real’: Two scientists explain how the universe won’t break

Produced by: Manoj Kumar

Time Loops

A peer-reviewed study confirms the mathematical feasibility of time travel using closed time-like curves (CTCs), as posited by Einstein.

Logic Solved

Germain Tobar and Fabio Costa found a middle ground resolving paradoxes in time travel scenarios, showcasing freedom within deterministic systems.

Paradox Proof

The study proves that causality remains intact even if events are recalibrated to avoid inconsistencies, such as the classic “patient zero” example.

Butterfly Effect

Small actions in the past won’t lead to catastrophic paradoxes; instead, events adjust to maintain causal order, offering stability to time loops.

Monkey’s Paw

Tobar compares the outcomes to the monkey’s paw—actions have consequences, but paradoxes are avoided by recalibration of events.

Quantum Link

The findings align with quantum principles and random walk mathematics, connecting time travel theories to broader physics models.

Free Will

The study concludes that time travel allows local free choice, disproving the notion that it undermines determinism.

Pandemic Example

Stopping patient zero from COVID-19, as per the study, would only recalibrate events, potentially turning you or someone else into patient zero.

Future Potential

The study suggests time travel could one day become a reality, enabling experimentation without catastrophic world-ending risks.