US has the most powerful military. Know where India stands

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US has the most powerful military globally, followed by Russia and China. India holds the fourth according to the latest Global Firepower rankings.

India's score

GFP gives India a Power Index (PwrIndx) score of 0.1023. (A score of 0.0000 is seen as perfect). The US holds a Power Index score of 0.0699, Russia 0.0702 and China 0. 0706.

60 factors

60 factors such as the number of troops, equipment, financial stability, geographic location are taken into consideration for the Power Index score. Lower scores indicate stronger military capabilities.

145 countries

A total of 145 countries were assessed on the basis of their global military strength for the Global Firepower’s 2024 Military Strength Rankings.

Where is Pakistan?

Pakistan has been ranked ninth and Italy takes the 10th position. South Korea, the United Kingdom, Japan and Turkey also feature in the top 10 list.

Ranking method

On their assessment methodology, Global Firepower said on their website: “Our formula allows for smaller, more technologically-advanced, nations to compete with larger, lesser-developed powers and special modifiers, in the form of bonuses and penalties, are applied to further refine the list which is compiled annually.”

10 most powerful militaries in the world

United States Russia China India South Korea United Kingdom Japan Turkiye Pakistan Italy

10 least powerful militaries in the world:

Bhutan Moldova Suriname Somalia Benin Liberia Belize Sierra Leone Central African Republic Iceland