New Income Tax Rules to
Roll Out from

Produced by Teena Jain Kaushal
Designed by: Pragati

The revised income tax slab for the new tax regime will be applicable with no tax on people earning up to Rs 7 lakh. 
The highest tax rate of 30% will be levied on income above Rs 15 lakh. 

New Income Tax Regime

New Income Tax Regime:
Exemption limit 

The basic exemption limit will increase to Rs 3 lakh from Rs 2.5 lakh to make the new tax regime more attractive. Standard deduction of Rs 50,000 will be introduced. 

The surcharge rate will be reduced to 25% from 37% under the new tax regime for individuals earning more than Rs 5 crore.  The new tax regime will be the default tax regime for salaried individuals who have not declared their choice. 

New Income Tax
Regime: Surcharge Rate

Income Tax Calculator 

The Income Tax Department has launched an 'Income tax calculator' to assist you with which tax regime will be better. 

Only gains up to Rs 10 crore would be exempt under the provisions of sections 54 and 54F of the Income Tax Act. Capital gain above Rs 10 crore, will now be taxed at a flat rate of 20 per cent (with indexation). Capital gains from Market Linked Debentures will be treated as short-term capital gains and taxable at applicable slab rates   

New Income Tax Regime:
Capital gain tax 

Capital gain on the sale of the property will be higher as double deductions claimed on interest paid under section 24 by the taxpayer will be eliminated. 

Income Tax charge on
real estate 

Conversion of the physical form of gold into Electronic Gold Receipt (EGR) and vice versa will not attract any capital gain tax. 

Income Tax charge on gold

The winnings from online games will attract flat 30 per cent tax 

Income Tax on online
games gains 

The new tax regime is touted to be a simpler, less-cumbersome-paperwork alternative to the old tax regime. 

New Income Tax regime: Simple, user-friendly 

The Centre has not made any changes in the old tax regime. It will continue to have three income tax slabs in FY 2023-24 as before. 

Old Tax Regime