Rakesh Jhunjhunwala's Portfolio Stock Shoot Up To
Rs 35,000 Crore

The late stock investor Rakesh Jhunjhunwala’s portfolio has been surging rapidly from its valuation
at Rs 25,425 crore as of June 30 to Rs 33,225 crore on September 30

Rakesh Jhunjhunwala’s Portfolio Valuation

The Jhunjhunwala portfolio stood at Rs 35,066 crore as of last count, according to Trendlyne. The portfolio is inclusive of Rakesh Jhunjhunwala’s wife Rekha Jhunjhunwala’s holdings

Rakesh Jhunjhunwala Portfolio Hits
Rs 35,000 crore

Titan Company remained Jhunjhunwalas’ top holding. The holding was worth Rs 13,388 crore at last count

Titan Share: Jhunjhunwalas
Top Holdings

Jhunjhunwala’s second biggest holdings, with a valuation of Rs 7,056.80 crore, are in Star Health and Allied Insurance Company 

Top Holdings

The Jhunjhunwalas
own more than 1% stake
in 30 listed companies
as of September quarter 


The Jhunjhunwalas added Singer India to their portfolio. They also increased their stakes in Tata Communications and Fortis Healthcare for the September quarter

Stocks In Jhunjhunwala Portfolio

Jhunjhunwala, who passed away on August 14 this year following a cardiac arrest, was fondly known as the Big Bull and dubbed as India’s Warren Buffet

The Big Bull: Rakesh Jhunjhunwala

Rakesh Jhunjhunwala is survived by his wife, Rekha and three children, Aryaman Jhunjhunwala, Aryavir Jhunjhunwala and Nishtha Jhunjhunwala

Personal Life

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