Silicon Valley Bank collapse: Essential movies on financial crises, market crash

Produced by Aakanksha Chaturvedi
Designed by: Pragati

As the Silicon Valley Bank crisis plays out before our eyes, here are a few movies documenting various real life financial crises and a few fictional ones.

Movies on market crash

The Big Short

The Big Short follows a group of investors who foresaw the housing market crash of 2008 and shorted the markets, and made huge profit out of it. Steve Carell, Brad Pitt, Ryan Gosling, and Christian Bale play leading roles in this acclaimed movie.

Margin Call, another movie about the 2008 financial crisis,  chronicles a group of investment bankers at a Wall Street firm finding reasons behind their downfall. Kevin Spacey, Stanley Tucci, Jeremy Irons are among the lead actors.

Margin Call

Wall Street: Money
Never Sleeps

This movie, based on the 2008 housing bubble burst, revolves around the dynamics between a young trader and a seasoned investment banker. Michael Douglas and Shia LaBeouf are among the cast of the movie.

Inside Job is a documentary about the 2008 financial crisis. The movie describes the events that led up to the collapse of banks that were said to be "too big to fail" and its aftermath.

Inside Job

The Wolf of Wall Street is a biographical account of the life of Jordan Belfort, founder of Stratton Oakmont. He was convicted of fraud and money laundering. Leonardo DiCaprio plays the lead role.

The Wolf of Wall Street

Rogue Trader is a biographical movie about Nick Leeson. Leeson caused the collapse of Barings Bank in the year 1995. Ewan McGreggor plays the lead role.

Rogue Trader

Wall Street is a movie about a young and ambitious stockbroker is caught up in the world of greed and corruption on Wall Street. Micheal Douglas and Charlie Sheen are among the lead actors of this movie that achieved cult status.

Wall Street

Boiler Room is a movie about a young college dropout who is involved in a stock brokerage firm that engages in unethical and illegal practices. Giovannu Ribisi, Vin Diesel, and Nia Long are among the actors in the movie.

Boiler Room

The Hummingbird Project is a movie about two traders who attempt to build a fiber-optic cable between Kansas and New Jersey in order to gain a millisecond advantage in stock trading.

The Hummingbird Project

Although not a movie, Scam 1992 is an Indian web series chronicling the life of Indian stock market trader Harshad Mehta. The lead role is played by Pratik Gandhi. Satish Kaushik was also a part of this series.

Scam 1992