7 Ways To Keep Yourself Fit and Healthy During the Chilly Winter Season

Produced by: Akshita Kakkar Designed by: Muskan Arora  

Top 7 tips for keeping fit and healthy during winters

To fully relish the winter season, it's essential to maintain good health and fitness. Here are 7 ways to keep yourself fit and healthy while avoiding winter safety hazards.

1. Maintain Personal Hygiene

Practise good personal hygiene by consistently covering your mouth and washing your hands to prevent the spread or contraction of respiratory infections.

2. Sustain a Nourishing Diet

Ensuring a well-balanced winter diet comprising abundant fruits and vegetables, brimming with diverse vitamins, antioxidants, fibres, and minerals, is crucial for maintaining optimal health.

3. Vitamin D3 Supplements

Consider taking Vitamin D3 supplements this winter, as your diet may not adequately meet the essential requirements for building a stronger immune system.

4. Regular Exercise

Engaging in regular physical activity is beneficial, whether you opt for a fitness class, weightlifting session, or even a dance routine to help burn calories.

5. Intake of Tulsi, Honey daily

During winter days, there is a high chance of developing cough and cold. Introducing tulsi and honey in your morning routine can be beneficial in preventing these symptoms.

6. Ensure you get sufficient sleep

Getting a solid 7-8 hours of rest supports the body in warding off the cold, maintaining energy levels throughout the winter days, promoting a healthy immune system, burning calories, and reducing stress hormones.

7. Manage stress levels

Do not let the grey winter days get you down! Take out time for meditation, breathing exercises or practising other stress-relieving activities.