Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates featured in a video with American chef Eitan Bernath as the two attempted to make rotis
“Bill Gates and I had a blast making Indian Roti together,” tweeted chef Eitan Bernath while sharing the video where they made the rotis
Chef Eitan Bernath had recently visited Bihar, India, where he met wheat farmers whose yields increased due to new early sowing technologies. He also mentioned how he learnt to make rotis from women who worked at ‘Didi Ki Rasoi’ canteens
Billionaire Bill Gates starts making the rotis by mixing the flour and water to create the dough. When he starts rolling the dough pieces, he only manages to make oval shaped rotis instead of round rotis initially
Once chef Eitan Bernath puts the rotis on the ‘tawa’, Bill Gates helps him by spreading the ghee on the rotis
The video ended with Bill Gates and chef Eitan Bernath eating the rotis with some curry. Gates says the rotis turned out to be ‘pretty good’
Billionaire Bill Gates making rotis drew a host of reactions from Indians on Twitter. A Twitter user wrote, “This video is more like 'How not to make a roti’”.
Another Twitter user made a hiring appeal with a twist to Bill Gates