JEE Advanced Admit Card 2023: Date, Timings, How to download and more

Produced by: Hitansh Gaur

The Indian Institute of Guwahati has released the admit card for the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Advanced 2023 on Monday. JEE Advanced is the entrance examination for the IITs, IISc, IISERs and some other top educational institutions across India.

JEE Advanced Admit Card 2023

The IIT entrance exam will be held on June 4 and it will have two papers. Paper I will be from 9 am to 12 pm. Paper II will be conducted from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm.

JEE Advanced 2023: Date and Timings

Students who want to sit for the IIT entrance examination can visit the website and download their admit cards. To download the admit card now, check out this step-by-step guide.

JEE Advanced Admit Card 2023 Download

Step-by-step guide to download the admit card: Step 1: Go to the website, Step 2: Open the download admit card link mentioned on the home page

JEE Advanced Admit Card 2023: How to download

Step 3: Login by accurately filling the required information Step 4: Your admit card will appear once you are logged in

Step-wise guide to download JEE Advanced Admit Card 2023

Step 5: Download and print your admit card. Keep a copy for future use

Steps to download JEE Advanced Admit Card 2023

Once downloaded, students should read the exam day instructions very carefully. Carry a physical copy of the admit card on the day of examination along with a photo ID from the ones mentioned on the admit card.

JEE Advanced Admit Card 2023: Documents Required

IIT Guwahati has also released some mock tests for the JEE Advanced 2023. Aspirants can appear for the same on Students can expect to see a copy of their responses on the website by June 9. The provisional answer key is also expected to be released by June 11.

JEE Advanced Admit Card 2023: Mock Test and Answer Key

JEE released the result for the second session JEE Mains 2023 last month on April 29. NTA also declared the list of toppers in which 43 students secured 100 percentile.

JEE Advanced Admit Card 2023 Mains Result