Meet the world's smallest dog, Pearl, who is shorter than a remote

Produced by: Mehak Agarwal
Designed by: Mohsin

A two-year-old female Chihuahua dog named Pearl has been recognised as the world’s shortest dog alive by the Guinness Book of World Records

World’s shortest dog

She measures 9.14 cm or 3.59 inches in height, implying that she is shorter than a popsicle stick, tinier than a remote, and around the same height as a dollar bill

Pearl’s height

Pearl weighed less than an ounce or 28 grams at her birth just like her ancestor Milly. Milly passed away in 2020 before Pearl was born. Pearl is the daughter of one of Milly’s identical sisters

Pearl’s weight

Pearl’s owner Vanesa Semler introduced her on the Lo Show Dei Record, an Italian TV show

Introduced on an
Italian TV show

Vanesa took Pearl on stage in an Easter egg-shaped seat and received thunderous applause. She was unfazed on stage in front of a huge live audience

Pearl’s stage moment

Vanesa told the show’s host Gerry Scotti that Pearl is “a bit of a diva”

‘Bit of a diva’

The world’s shortest dog likes “eating high-quality food like chicken and salmon”, and also loves “dressing up nice”

Pearl’s favourite food

Pearl is seven times shorter than the world’s shortest woman living Jyoti Amge. Amge is 62.8 cm or 2 ft 0.7 inch tall

Seven times shorter than
a shortest woman

The shortest dog ever was a dwarf Yorkshire terrier owned by the former Our Dogs editor Arthur Maples. The Yorkshire terrier stood at 7.11 cm or 2.8 inches in height and measured 9.5 cm or 3.75 inches from the tip of its nose to the tip of its tail

Shortest dog ever