World Braille Day is celebrated on 4th January every year to mark the importance of Braille as a mode of communication for blind and partially sighted people
World Braille Day is also considered as a major means for the advocation of rights and equal opportunities of the blind and partially sighted people
World Braille Day was first recognised by the United Nations on 4th January, 2019. The day also marks the birth anniversary of Louis Braille
Louis Braille was the French educator and inventor of the Braille writing system. The Braille system was first published in 1829 and was adopted by the National Institute for Blind Youth
Braille helps the visually impaired people to recognise alphabets. The system helps these people to read and write using raised alphabets
According to the United Nations, Braille is, “Tactile representation of alphabetic and numerical symbols using six dots to represent each letter and number, and even musical, mathematical, and scientific symbol.”
The Braille system is considered to be a game changing invention as it has helped many visually impaired people to learn and write independently. Before the invention of Braille, these people had to be majorly dependent on others for their basic literacy needs
The new technologies have developed Braille to make it suitable for all. The Braille system now comes in several languages to suit the ethnicities of visually impaired people from around the world
Produced by: Sonali
Designed by: Pragati