World Turtle Day 2023; Some amazing facts about turtles 

Produced by: Bhoomika
Designed by: Pragati

World Turtle Day is celebrated on May 23 to raise awareness about the importance of protecting and conserving turtles and their habitats. It was initiated by the American Tortoise Rescue (ATR), to protect the species of tortoises and turtles

World Turtle Day 2023

Some of the key differences between a tortoise and turtle are that a tortoise has rounded and domed shells while turtles have a thinner shell. While tortoise spend more time on land, turtles spend more time in water 

Turtle or tortoise 

A turtle can never leave its shell as it is made of bones and cartilage, which are an integral part of its body. They can recoil their neck within the shells in case of any danger 

Turtle cannot leave
their shells

Turtles vary in sizes ranging from 2 to 7 feet while it can weigh between 70 and 1,500 pounds

Interesting facts
about turtles

One of the largest turtles to ever exist were Archelon turtles, which were 21 feet long. This species of turtles used to live 100 million years ago

Largest Turtle ever

Turtles can dive long distances up to 3,000 feet in search of jellyfish. Leatherback turtles are often known as gelatinivores, meaning they only eat invertebrates such as jellyfish and sea squirts.

Do turtles eat jellyfish? 

Turtles live up to 50 years or more. In the wild, turtles can also live up to 70 years or more

Turtles’ life expectancy

Turtles do not have any teeth. Though, loggerheads and snapping turtles have powerful jaws that allow them to feed on fish, shellfish and lobsters

Turtles have no teeth?

Here are some places where you can spot turtles in India- 

- Gahirmatha Marine Sanctuary, Odisha
- Rushikulya Beach, Odisha
- Galgibaga, Goa
- Velas Beach, Maharashtra
- Marina Beach, Tamil Nadu

Where can you find
the turtles in India?