Zero Shadow Day in Mumbai, Hyderabad, Pune. Check viral pics, videos of rare phenomenon

Produced by: Prashanti Moktan

Mumbai witnesses Zero Shadow Day twice a year, once in May and once in July. This year, Mumbaikers were treated to the rare phenomenon on May 15 while the next Zero Shadow Day in the city is expected to be on July 28

Zero Shadow Day in Mumbai

Zero Shadow Day is a rare celestial phenomenon that occurs when the sun is directly overhead. Hence, vertical objects will cast no shadow

What is Zero Shadow Day?

The Earth's axis is tilted at an angle of 23.5 degrees. This tilt causes the sun to appear to move higher or lower in the sky throughout the year. On Zero Shadow Day, the sun is directly overhead at the Tropic of Cancer. Zero Shadow Day is an important scientific event. It helps scientists to study the Earth's tilt and its impact on the seasons

Zero Shadow Day: Significance

A user shared a video from Mumbai of how a pipe-like object when placed vertically cast zero shadow and tweeted how July is normally rainy hence May 15 is best for observation

Zero Shadow Day: Video

A Twitter user shared a video of how a marker when placed vertically on the ground cast no shadow. This was when Pune witnessed Zero Shadow Day on May 13

Zero Shadow Day In Pune

IISER Pune held a Zero Shadow Day event where 120 school students learnt about the unique celestial event

Students witness marvel of Zero Shadow Day

A user tweeted a video of a bottle casting no shadow when Hyderabad witnessed Zero Shadow Day on May 9

Zero Shadow Day in Hyderabad

Here's when some key cities will experience Zero  Shadow Days this month:- - May 19: Puri, Nashik - May 22: Cuttack

Upcoming Zero Shadow Days This Month

– Zero Shadow Day is also known as the "Zenith Sun" or the "Solar Noon" – Zero Shadow Day occurs at different times in different parts of the world – Zero Shadow Day is a good time to do experiments with shadows

Facts About Zero  Shadow Day