Students of ISB Hyderabad speak about why they joined the institute and how it would help them advance further in their career. OTHER VIDEOS:Alumni | Dean
Ajit Rangnekar, Dean of ISB Hyderabad, said that "our single biggest toughest challenge is to build faculty. In 2004, we started with four and today we are at 50 and in the next four years I want to take this number to 100." OTHER VIDEOS:Alumni | Students
* How to read our parameter-wise tables:
Respondents were given the option of ranking each college on each attribute on a 1 to 10 scale, with 1 corresponding to very poor/completely unwilling and 10 corresponding to excellent/most willing. We have displayed here only those responses that were rated 9 or 10. Our top-ranked school, IIM-Bangalore, for instance, shows a reputation score of 37. This means that 37% of respondents gave IIM-B a score of 9 or 10 for its reputation. Similarly, for other scores. Although the tables reflect these higher rankings (the upper two boxes of our dataset), our overall B-school ranking takes into account all scores, even the lower ones.