India's Best Business Schools & Colleges, Top Management Colleges in India, Top Rank MBA Colleges and Institutes in India - Business Today college=narsee-monjee-institute-of-management-studies-nmims-mumbai&rank=7+&year=2012
Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS), Mumbai
Total Score   1586.1
Perceptual Score   814 Perceptual Rank   11 Factual Score   772 Factual Rank   10
Base   60 Awareness Weight   1.0    
Parameter Factual Score Perceptual Score Total Rank by Parameter
* How to read the data

Overall score is the weighted sum of scores obtained in Factual as well as Perceptual surveys.

A factual survey entails data that is submitted by B-schools on a variety of questions. The questions are split up across five primary parameters - learning experience, living experience, brand value, return on investment and future orientation. A score of zero indicates that data was not submitted by the college for that particular parameter.

A perceptual survey is done on the B-schools that have participated in our factual survey. There is a separate questionnaire for this which is administered to a group of more than 1,200 stakeholders of the B-school ecosystem, including teachers, students, young executives and HR recruiters.

The scores obtained in both factual and perceptual survey are added up to get a composite, "overall" score. The B-schools are ranked based on this score.

In the perception survey, 'Base' refers to the number of respondents that have rated a particular B-school. A maximum of 120 respondents can rate each school. A B-school that is less known is rated by fewer people. But if those fewer people give it very high scores, it creates a skew in the ranking.

So, Business Today has used an awareness deflator to bring fairness to the rankings. B-schools that were rated by 40 or more respondents (one-third the sample) were assigned a weight of 1, which means their overall scores were multiplied by 1. B-schools that were rated by 30-39 respondents were given a weight of 0.9, so their overall scores were multiplied by 0.9, deflating their total score by a small margin. For 20-29 respondents, the weight was 0.8; and for B-schools that were rated by fewer than 20 respondents, the weight was 0.7.

Read full methodology here
*Fore School of Management, Delhi; Indian Institute of Management - Lucknow; Indian School of Business - Hyderabad; Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad (MICA); Tata Institute of Social Sciences - Mumbai; and University Business School - Chandigarh declined to participate in the survey.
**Vinod Gupta School of Management - IIT Kharagpur could not be ranked because of incomplete data and non-submission of mandatory documents
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