The revenue recovery was led by cooling products and Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEMs). The key drivers of growth during the quarter were pre-buying, pent-up demand, reduced restrictions on movement of people and improving sentiment.
Consumer durables industry posted a robust recovery in 3QFY21 with revenue/EBIT growth.
Cooling products saw a strong revival in 3QFY21 after a weak performance in the past three quarters.
Lighting returned to growth in 3QFY21 due to increased construction activity after a weak 1HFY21. Price hikes, which began in 2QFY21, supported margin expansion, and most players saw healthy EBIT growth.
Cables & Wires saw growth in 3QFY21, following a weak 1HFY21 on the back of revival in the real estate sector and resumption of projects/capex put on hold during the lockdown.