Get deeper and down Start by applying a cleanser after a lengthy steam bath, which helps open your pores. Hold a hot towel to your face for a minute to get the steaming effect. Then apply a cleanser.
Scratch the surface Exfoliation removes the top layer of the skin and unblocks your pores, translating into fewer spots and ingrown hair. A high-street scrub will remove dead skin cells. Use it twice a week for smooth skin.
Just add water Men usually don't moisturise enough for facials to deliver the results you'd expect. Apply moisturiser by making long strokes from the inside of your face out. This relaxes your skin, so it's more receptive to hydration
Leave the bags at the door A massage of the eye area reduces any excess fluid, so eyes look less puffy. Cooling the skin also helps get rid of dark circles. The solution, you say? Cooling gels are hydrating, and their cold rollerball help reduce redness.