Zero Carbon Challenge
Notorious for environmental pollution and accidental death of workers in the yards till a decade ago, Alang in Gujarat is currently the greenest and safest ship-breaking hub globally. So, what changed?
Coal Is Still Power-full
Despite its focus on reducing carbon emissions, India relies heavily on coal for power production. Here's how some of the country's biggest power producers are preparing for the fossil fuel-free power generation era
E-waste: A Growing Problem
The country's e-waste generation increased 43 per cent between FY18 and FY20. The pandemic-induced consumption of electronic devices is set to add to the problem in future
Institutional investors, who always focussed on G (governance), are now increasingly engaging with investee companies on the E (environment) and the S (social) part
Recycled Gizmos
Companies offer a host of devices - from computers to cellphones and TVs to watches - made from repurposed materials. Here are some to choose from
The Tough Makeover
How oil giants plan to innovate for emission reduction and invest in clean energy
Green Railways by 2030
In order to reduce its carbon footprint, the entire Indian Railways network will be electrified by 2023. It will also instal 20GW of solar power by 2030
Scrapping Pollutants Away
India's scrappage policy for automobiles has the potential to reduce pollution and the industry's carbon footprint while creating employment and demand. It's a $6-billion opportunity
Blend It to Fix It
Ethanol blending promises to open up a sizeable market for the domestic sugar industry to utilise excess production, without hurting farmer interest