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Portfolio Overlap Tool

Portfolio Overlap Tool

The mutual fund portfolio overlap tool lets you compare and know the extent of commonalities between the portfolios of 2 equity/hybrid funds.
(As On Jan 2025)
Stocks In fund A but not in fund B
Common Stocks
Stocks In fund B but not in fund A
Total Stocks in Fund A : 0
Total Stocks in Fund B : 0
Note: Only Equity, Preferred stock and Equity - REIT (acronym for Real Estate Investment Trust) are considered for calculation
Percentage Portfolio Overlap
No Overlap: 0%
Portfolio Overlap: 0%

Common Stocks

(As On Jan 2025)
Quant Flexi Cap Fund Growth Option Direct Plan
HDFC Flexi Cap Fund -Direct Plan - Growth Option


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Fund Manager Interview Video

"Market Guru: DP Singh Dy MD & Jt. CEO, SBI Mutual Fund
Market Guru: DP Singh Dy MD & Jt. CEO, SBI Mutual Fund 19:21
"Over 50% Return In 1 Year! Here's All You Need To Know About Dividend Yield Mutual Funds
Over 50% return in 1 year! Here's all you need to know about Dividend Yield Mutual Funds 3:24